Tag: healthcare costs

how to retire with 2 million

How To Retire with $2 Million

Retiring with $2 million is a great goal to strive for. While it’s certainly a good amount of money, how far it will go depends on a few things.

How to retire with 5 million

How to Retire with $5 Million

When you’re approaching retirement and thinking about retirement planning, how much money you have is a crucial factor. A plan to retire with $5 million directly impacts the type of retirement you can have and how you should think about achieving it.

How to pay for long-term care

How to Pay for Long-term Care

Aging is not the first thing people think of when they think about retirement. If not planned for, it can be a burden. Long-term care is inevitable for most of us. Learn the options for how to pay for your long-term care if the need arises.